GELUCK Philippe

Philippe Geluck (born in 1954 in Belgium) is a Belgian comedian, humorist, television writer and cartoonist, who sold more than 14 million albums worldwide.

He studied at The Institut national supérieur des arts du spectacle et des techniques de diffusion, better known as INSAS, a Belgian film and drama school founded by Raymond Ravar, André Delvaux, Paul Anrieu, and Jean Brismée in 1962.

His best-known work is the comic strip Le Chat (Le Cat in English-language editions, which is one of the ten bestselling Franco-Belgian comics series.

Geluck created Le Chat in 1983, for publication in the daily newspaper Le Soir. By 1987, the strip was published in multiple newspapers with the first album in what has become a continuing series.

Le Chat has been translated into several languages and reproduced beyond Francophone regions, such as the United States and Iran.

Jeanne Susplugas

Jeanne Susplugas, born in Montpellier, collaborated with Philippe Geluck. In this piece, she uses the central theme of dependence to articulate disease and suffering through the comedic character of Geluck's Le Chat sculpture.


Juan-Carlos Zeballos MOSCAIRO (1973-) Peru, west coast of South America “Braque” 2018 Oil on Canv
